SpongBob is my friend!

Two weeks ago, The New York Times turned over half of its op-ed page to outing gays with some connection to Republicans. Yes the very liberal-democrat media outlet The New York Times.

So basically the new New York Times policy toward gays is: "We love gay people! Gay people are awesome! Being gay is awesome! Gay marriage is awesome! Gay cartoon characters are awesome! And if you are gay but don't agree with us about everything, we'll punish you by telling everyone that you're gay!"

--more reasons why I hate the media.


Anonymous said...

I read that too.

I hate agreeing with Republicans but the NYT was fucked to out those guys.

Its nobodies business!

De said...

The New York Times is an odd animal as a newspaper. Its Science section is second to none and, until Jayson Blair, its reporting was fairly decent. However, the op-ed pages have always been pretty iffy.