What's Important?

Unlike every other Bloger in the known universe, tonight I won't be discussing Terry Schiavo or the school killings in Minnesota. I am going to discuss something really important:

Last night, my daughter asked me what the word "n*gger" means.

I have an open policy about asking for definitions. She can ask me anything and I will tell her what it means as well as any other additional connotations it might carry.

I asked he where she was hearing this word. She said kids on the bus were calling other kids this name. The weird part is the kids that are being insulted with this name are all Arabs. Sheesh.

After that ordeal was over and my face finally cooled from blushing she said, "Dad, what does c*nt mean?"

--I'll be blushing for a week.


Anonymous said...

Holy sh*t!

De said...

The weird part is the kids that are being insulted with this name are all Arabs.

Not to make light of the situation, but typically the word "sand" is in front of that particular epithet when dispensing bigotry to Arabs. I heard it used quite a bit by various servicemen returning home from Desert Storm back in '91. Either way, it's still disgusting.