Tag You're It!

If you are a blogger and you read this copy and paste this into your blog and fill it out. Leave me a comment!!

Four jobs I’ve had
1. Chief Engineer
2. IT Director
3. Sr. Database Engineer
4. Book Seller

Four movies I can watch over and over
1. Terminator
2. Groundhog Day
3. Office Space
4. Blade Runner

Four places I’ve lived

1. Manassas VA
2. Mobile AL
3. Batavia NY
4. Rochester NY

Four TV shows I love
2. Survivor
3. Battlestar Galatica
4. Stargate Atlantis

Four places I’ve vacationed
1. Disney World
2. Star Island
3. The Grand Canyon
4. The Outer Banks

Four dishes I like
1. Pad Tie
2. Sausage links, Toast and Eggs
3. Soup and Grilled cheese sandwich
4. Prime Rib

Four sites I visit daily
1. Woot!
2. My Yahoo News
3. Toothpaste for Dinner
4. Dilbert

Four places I would rather be right now…
1. Pennsic
2. Disney World
3. Camping with Family and Friends
4. In the Hottub


Anonymous said...

I did it! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm done.

Anonymous said...
