Terry Gilliam is cool about Piracy

Cinematical had a really interesting piece about director Terry Gilliam. Long story short, he doesn't care if you pirate his movies, as long as the quality of your rip is high. Basically he's fought with studios so much, he doesn't have a problem with people ripping them off.

--Gilliam can say what ever he wants. He will always get my money...

1 comment:

De said...

Unfortunately, that's not quite how it works. He can say that all he wants, but unless he's distributing and marketing his own movies, the studios can still go after folks who infringe on the copyrights. It's considered work for hire and he essentially surrendered those rights to the studio when he delivered his films. This statement is essentially his big F U to the studios he has problems with (pretty much all of them).

Good to know he approves of my upcoming work on a definitive Fisher King disc :-)