What Americans Want

For the last several days this photo has been in the top ten most viewed and emailed photos on Yahoo News.

It has all the components we love.

It has the video game connection, the Hollywood movie connection, the hot woman with huge breasts and bulging cleavage, powerful hand guns, skimpy outfits and come hither eyes...

The only thing it's missing is a gas hungry SUV, fast sportscar or a crotch-rocket motorcycle.

--This is definitely the look for Brenda!


Anonymous said...

Holy shit she has a long neck! That big version is wow.

Anonymous said...

What the hell is up with he waist?

Pern World said...

This is so NOT a look for me!!!!

Unknown said...

I have to say..not that attractive. Sure, great features..but she does have a long long neck and her waist is all screwed up...not my top 10