What a weekend!

It was an action packed weekend in Marty's World.My brother Russ came out for a visit for the first time in 15 years! We hung out, drank some beers, ate some good food, had some good wine and sipped a massive amount of coffee. My new bar stools were enjoyed, my new guest room occupied.

I even got to see my sister in law Cindy twice in one weekend!!!

That was not all.

BR and I also went to a wedding (congrats Cynthia and Bryan!) on Saturday! We had the best soup in the history of mankind. It was a creamed squash soup. Sounds not so good but we have spent the time since then wishing for a bucket of it with a loaf of French bread and a snorkel. The food was amazing, as well as, excellent coffee!

To top it all off, Sunday was our 1st wedding anniversary!! Wow. A year already.


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