Where were you when...

For some people it was when Kennedy was shot. For others, it was when the Space Shuttle exploded.

Five years ago today I was in a Windows 2000 MCSE class when my Blackberry went off. I didn't know what to make of the message:

"Dude, a plane just hit the World Trade Center."

Five minutes later:

"It was a 747."

Soon the second one hit, the Pentagon was hit, bad reports flooded the air and the towers began to collapse along with our long held sense of security. Class was canceled, rumors of car bombs and more attacks were rampant. When I got back to my office everyone was packed into the conference rooms... Watching it over and over.

I went home.

My big screen TV has a mode where you can watch 16 channels at once. So I watched it from angle after angle in slow motion. Watching it over and over.

--The images of the people jumping still haunt me the most.

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