12 Days Until Weigh-in

Today is the 15th of August.

Despite my best efforts, I was surprised to discover I lost 6 pounds at Pennsic.

We weigh in on August 27th. I plan to hit a few restaurants that I will really miss:
  • Five Guys
  • Aragato Sushi
  • Pizza (done)
  • Thai Taste
  • McDonalds
  • 7-11 Hot Dogs
What are you going to miss the most?


Annee said...

I think I will miss most:

-Italian food (pastas in cream sauces, lasagnas and baked pastas)
-Thai food
-fresh baked chocolate chip cookies

Pern said...

So unfair. I hardly sat down for a minute and didn't lose a pound.

Mage Steve said...
