Weigh In Roll Call!!

So here is the plan.

Once a week I will call a "Weigh In Roll Call".

All you have to do if you want to work with us is to leave a comment like this.
  • Goal Amount to Lose:
  • Weight Loss This Week:
  • Total Weight Loss So Far:
I am going to include my actual weight. It's optional for anyone that wants to participate. Just weigh-in weekly!

So here is ME!
  • Current Weight: 270 lbs
  • Goal Weight: 200 lbs
  • Goal amount to lose: 70 lbs
  • Percentage Weight: 26%
Let the posting begin!!


Rich H. said...

WTG Marty! Let's see how well this goes:

Current Weight: 256 lbs
Goal Weight: 180 lbs
Goal amount to lose: 76 lbs
Percentage Weight: 29.7%

Marty said...

Rich is in first FTW!

Pern said...

Current Weight/Goal Weight: I'll post it when I meet my goal. Until then, never you mind.

Goal amount to lose: I'll go with the 70 lbs too.

Marty said...

I love you wife! Thanks for doing this with me!!

Anne said...

Not saying... but I did weigh in.

Marty said...

What is your goal to lose? Help us encourage you!

Tony said...

Current Weight: 315 lbs
Goal Weight: 200 lbs
Goal amount to lose: any

I will try to loss the weight is all I can say.


Tony said...

this picture of me from Pennsic was an eye opener for me!

Anne said...

Back from 5k...was my slowest time ever...took me a good hour..but I did it...

If I HAVE to post weight to lose I am going to go with 70. Wow...it is hard to admit I am back to where I was...sigh

Marty said...

BR and I are right there with you Anne! Our goals are 70 each. That is a lot of extra meat to haul around!! My knees ache thinking about it!

Arius said...

I was 370 in February of this year. As of yesterday, I was at 333. My goal is unclear, as I am doing weight-lifting along with the cardio and my personal trainer said 200 (205 is the upper-limit for my height according to BMI) was unlikely if I intended to continue with the weight training. I'm playing it by ear, but 224 was my weight when I was at my peak fitness and I'd like to see it again

Arius said...

Oh, so that's a total loss of at least 146, 39.5% of my weight.

Marty said...

Dude! It has been too long. You need to come over for a movie night!

Arius said...

It has been too farking long. I'm swamped until September 16th or so, so probably not before that.

Sue said...

I weighed in tonight. I am not disclosing my starting weight or even my goal weight either until I reach it so at this time I will only disclose my goal amount to lose during our bet period (47 weeks): 50 lbs.

Pern said...

I'm going for a short term goal to get me started- 10 pounds for the first month. It's doable for the first month. Otherwise I'll just be lazy. I'm on record now.....