
I'm going to really step up the excercise. Use the dusty eliptical in the basement. Get my choresterol levels down to acceptable.


Marty said...

I will also set up my recumbant bike down there. And the Tivo, cant forget the Tivo as a weight loss tool!!

Sue said...

For those of us not quite ready for full scale exercise programs yet -- check out this article on rodale press: Why pedometers and face book equal weight loss

CarolynArtist said...

perfect timing Marty, I just started swimming, easiest on the joints. I use a product in the pool called aqua-jogger, it's pretty amazing how much more I can achieve in water, and man am I sore.

Anne said...

I would like to suggest the possibility of getting a couch-to-5k group together. We can train on our own and then meet once a week to train together and/or go do a 5k.


I would be happy to organize if anyone is interested.