And so it Begins

This is the beginning of our effort to lose weight between August 27th 2010 and July 27th 2011. We are intending to be fit by next Pennsic.

To that end, our lucky few, will be each pony up $100 for the challenge! Spicing the pot!

I am hungry already!

Who's in!!??


Sue said...

I'm in.

I think to help us keep on track and motivated we should have a quarterly prize. We should weigh in quarterly (Nov. 26, Feb. 25, May 27) and each person still in the competition should contribute $20. The person who has lost the highest proportion of their quarterly starting weight gets the quarterly prize. E.g. x started out at 250 lbs and lost 25 lb (or 10%), Y started out at 300 lbs and lost 25 lbs (or 8%), Z started out at 115 and lost 13.8 lbs (or 12%) then Z would win the prize for the quarter(i.e. highest percentage of weight lost based on starting weight).

I also think that at the end of the year the person who lost the largest proportion of weight based on their starting weight should get most of the prize, but the person who came in second should get $200 (this way they come out a little more than even on the whole thing with initial investment and quarterly payments). This helps motivate and gives a fair shot to anyone who has some weight to lose but not necessarily 60+ pounds.

Beginning, ending and quarterly weigh-ins should be at the same location using the same scale.

In addition to weight I think it would be good to track ratio of waist to hip (to help us see that bad belly fat is disappearing too) at least quarterly.

If we want to track everyone's weight weekly or monthly after that we just say list the delta from the last weigh based on using our own scales.

Pern said...

Steve came Sunday for his weighin as he's going to be out of town. Who else is in beside's Sue??? (Marty and me of course)