Love in the small things...

So I was sitting on my couch in my bathrobe this cold Saturday morning, drinking coffee and watching This Old House. I couldn't find one of my slippers last night so I was sitting there barefoot. The wind hammers that corner of the house. The evil drafts lick at your feet.

Unbidden, Brenda comes up from downstairs and with a kiss on my forehead and hands me a pair of soft socks fresh out of the dryer. Still warm.

--No word exists that could describe the Love I felt at that moment...


Anonymous said...

and just when i thought i couldnt fee more alone.

Anonymous said...

You may be the bravest man I know. To let love in again. To risk so much once more. She must truely be something.

Anonymous said...

How can there be so much rain?

Anonymous said...

You stink. You get laid so much more than I in NY and slipper love? Sigh...lucky dog u...