
In recent weeks I have come to seriously enjoy the connections and interactions I am having on Facebook.

It has me sorting through old photos and chatting with old friends I have not seen in years, even decades.

It has games too. Scrabble is fun. Mob wars is a total addiction.

If you are in Facebook, find me. Odds are I miss you. If you are not on Facebook, sign up damn you!

--And we have Firefly there...

Christmas Traditions

There are lots of Christmas traditions out there. Some are common like presents, Christmas trees, stockings hung from the mantle, baking cookies, feasting and many others. Some people open presents on Christmas Eve, some christmas morning.

Families develop their own traditions too. We have developed wonderful traditions. I seem to reload my PC OS every Christmas!

Brenda and I open presents with the kids at our house on the morning of Christmas Eve. We have a big Christmas breakfast together after the presents. Later we attend Christmas services and sing Silent Night softly in the candle light.
After huggage the kids go home with Becky for Christmas morning, Part 2.

At our house we sleep in on Christmas morning. Well, Brenda sleeps in. I get up around 7am and make coffee and the Marty, Movie, Madness begins (60-something new movies this Christmas). When BR gets up she bakes. Something easy like muffins or Pop-n-Fresh cinnamon rolls.

We usually have a food theme for the day. Something to eat as we watch movies. Massive party platters of shrimp, just for the two of us has been popular.
This year it was desserts all day. I'm still full from all the cookies. It must have been a hundred cookies, and fifty of those gold ball Rochelle chocolate things. Plus, I learned the joy of Ready Whip in a can!

--Total movie madness, all day. ALL WEEKEND!

Merry Christmas!!

The best explanation I ever heard was the one Linus gave to Charlie Brown...

And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.

And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.

And the angel said unto them,

Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

--LUKE 2:8-14

[RIP] Majel Barrett

Majel Barrett died this week.

For the two people out there that do not know who she was, she was Nurse Chapel on the original Star Trek TV series. More than that, if you close your eyes and imagine what a computer would sound like if it could talk it would be her voice you would hear.

I met Ms. Barrett at my first SciFi convention at the University of South Alabama in 1982.

She was talking about the pilot episode called "The Cage" where she was the first officer Number 1. It was later that she was re-cast as the ships nurse.

--Rest in Peace Majel. Say hi to Gene for us.

Local sheriff’s deputy arrested on child porn charges

A 65-year-old Prince William County sheriff’s deputy is under arrest on charges of possession of child pornography.

Investigators say they found more than 900 such images on the computer of Deputy Arthur Staples.

Last week authorities in St. Lucie County, Fla., contacted the Manassas City Police Department about a child pornography suspect in Manassas City. Manassas police searched Staples’ home Friday. Police said they were seeking evidence that he was distributing child porn.

Staples was being held Tuesday without bail and will be extradited to Florida, where he will face charges of using the Internet to trade pornographic pictures of children.


Rule Number One: Don't Panic

I almost died today.

Seriously. I choked on my lunch today. I know now, that in my entire life, I never have really choked before. Today, like many other days, I was working through lunch. I often do this to make sure I don't have to work late. Some days I don't even bother warming up my lunch and just wolf it down. Like today...

A piece of pork loin firmly lodged in my throat. I was helpless. I could not swallow it, couldn't breath, couldn't cough or gag or do anything.

20 seconds of abject Fear. Fear for Brenda and the kids and never seeing The Hobbit filmed with real people.

I actually thought to myself, "If you don't act now you are dead." Rule Number One was invoked. I didn't panic.

I wasn't going to be one of those people who are too embarrassed to ask for help. I figured coworkers were a 10 second walk away. 15 seconds to communicate the point. Then say hello for Mr. Heimlich.

As I moved to get up the piece of meat shifted. My epiglottis was freed and air moved. I stifled a cough and gag and worked on swallowing that cinder block. It went down eventually. Once water seemed like a good idea I drank a quart quickly.

Mom was right. "Marty! Chew your food!"

--Rule Number One: Don't Panic

Still Keeping it Real...

Repo Man Sequel Starts Filming Next Month

Alex Cox’s Repo Man sequel Repo Chick is finally going into production next month (January 2009). Production Weekly reports that David Lynch is producing the project.

The original 1984 film told the story of Otto, a newly hired repossession man who goes in search for a mysterious Malibu carrying a high value package which was taken from a government lab and has strange effects on anyone who views it.

Cox has previously said that the follow-up will “unfold against the background of the credit crunch and the subprime mortgage crisis in the US, where repossessions of homes, cars and other forms of property is at a new high. ‘The repo business has expanded to everything from boats, houses, aeroplanes, small nations…children”.

-- Please don't make this Suck!!

Turkey Soup!

Left over turkey is one of my favorite things in the world. My wonderful wife knows this about me. So much so, that even though we went to my sisters this year for T-Day, she baked a Turkey!

I discovered last year that I had a knack for soup.

I started out to make a soup that I would like. I made it for me. I had 4 times the meat of other peoples soup. I included spices I liked. Veggies I like and as it turns out EVERYONE loved it!

Encouraged, I started making soup on a regular basis. I love having it for lunch.

--Today may be the BEST batch EVER!

Happy Thanksgiving!

What are you thankful for today?

I am thankful for my wonderful wife.
I am thankful for our excellent children.
I am thankful for their excellent mom.
I am thankful for my friends, my beautiful home, my excellent job.
I am thankful for being born in this time and place.

I am thankful for my country.

...and pie, I can't forget pie.

Fallout 3

So I bought this new game for the xBox 360 called Fallout 3.

This game is so cool. The style of it is so haunting.

It takes place in the future after a huge nuclear war. It actually takes place in and around Washington DC. That has pissed a lot of people off. I recognize places in the game. Buildings, bridges, metro stops and other places.

So very cool.

--But I suck with game controllers!

Mob Wars on Facebook

I have a FaceBook account. Lots of people do. In Facebook they have an applications section that includes games.

My current favorite game is called Mob Wars.

It is a turn based game. It actually doesn't take much time to play and it's not complicated. For some reason I really like it.

Brenda is into it now too. We are in each others Mob.

--Give it a try! Invite me to your mob!

RIP: Jasmine

The photo is from better days.

I will miss that cat. Eight years ago, the very first time I visited my now wife at her home, Jasmine jumped right into my lap. She had a specific spot in my recliner as I surfed the web. When she was afraid, she would run to me.

--I loved that cat.

All this talk of Change

President Elect Obama is all about Change.

To that end I am looking at a blog change!

--Upgrades, baby. Upgrades.

Are you an issue based voter like me?

My friend Molly sent me a great link to see which candidate fits you best on the issues that matter to you: glassbooth.org

The survey on the issues confirmed what I already knew. I was going to vote for McCain. It also confirmed that that I was only and issue or two on the McCain side.

I know people that swear on a stack of Mothers graves that, "if McCain wins they are moving to Canada". I'm not that adamant either way.

-- Let me know what your glassboot.org scores are! VOTE!

My $.02 on the Meltdown

When Brenda and I bought the townhouse we could not believe how much money the bank would loan us. We didn't even need my name on the loan at all to buy it. We bought it under just Brendas name and got some serious tax advantages. I still owned a townhouse that we rented out.

Brenda could have easily gotten a loan she could not afford. One that the two of us together could not afford!

We showed restraint. We knew what size house we could afford. We spent hours drilling the numbers in spreadsheets, analyzing budgets. We played it conservative. Leveraged both townhouses into our current house. Once again, %30 down and a loan we could afford.

That was the key. We bought what we could actually afford. We borrowed what we could afford, not what they would loan us. The Jugheads that took the loans the stupid banks allowed them are the ones that snowballed this mess into a meltdown. Everyone gambled the Real Estate market would continue to climb. Banks and borrowers.

--Gambled and lost.

Brenda is on the mend, the stock market not so much

Brenda starts back to work next week. It has been a long six weeks to get back to this level. The entire six weeks went faster for me than the 4 hours I had to wait to see her that morning in the hospital.

In preparation for her return to work, we did the last, most painful, activity we needed to do.

Look at our retirement fund.


It was not as bad as we thought it would be. It still sucks. After the "Dot Com" bubble I was more conservative in my mutual fund choices. One fund we have continues to climb. Even now. Slow and steady.

The closer we get to retirement the more will be transferred to secure funds like that.

--For now, there's Scotch!

The world sucks sometimes.

This cartoon represents one of the main reasons I believe that McCain will win the election.

It's unfortunate.

I wish it was only about the issues. Race should not be a part of the equation.

--But it will be...

I Love McDonalds!

"The McDonald's hamburger on the right is from 2008; the one on the left is from 1996. And they both look fairly edible. Wellness educator and nutrition consultant Karen Hanrahan has kept a McDonald's hamburger since 1996 to illustrate its nonexistent ability to decay. Aside from drying out and bit and having "the oddest smell," it apparently hasn't changed much in the past 12 years. This isn't the first time someone kept an uneaten McDonald's hamburger for an extended period of time for the sake of science. Or in the case of the Bionic Burger Museum, multiple burgers for over 19 years. There are even instructions on how to start your own collection of old, self-preserving burgers.

Anyone else have experience with Fast Food That Just Won't Rot?"

--Better Life through Technology!!

What's a Pirates Favorite Letter?

Talk like a pirate today or I will send you to Davey Jones Locker!!


This Years Hawk

Here is the Gray-Meister Hawk for this season.

Started school with the Hawk and size 10 sneakers!

--He's my Man!

Forest and sky

I went to the mountains today.

A friend of BR's from work has 20 acres about 70 miles from here, and was kind enough to let us go up with him today. It's very beautiful. It's surrounded by hills and trees and mountains and sky and quiet.

We had lunch at a great little mom and pop diner that still had prices from the 70's.

We even got to meet some interesting neighbors when I locked my keys in the van!

--We even got to do some target shooting!

Smell Like Team Spirit...

The baby from the Nirvana album cover is 17.

That's the story of Spencer Elden, whom you may know as the little baby floating towards a dollar bill on the cover of Nirvana's 1991 album, Nevermind.

Nearly 17 years later, amid hating school and playing water polo, Elden is still struggling to make sense of his (very) public image.

"Quite a few people in the world have seen my penis," he says from his home in Los Angeles. "So that's kinda cool. I'm just a normal kid living it up and doing the best I can while I'm here."

--Damn, I'm old.

My Left Hand

So yesterday I was working in the back yard and managed to slam by hand in the garden shed door. I did not break anything but dammit it hurts.

This isn't a whine fest (well, maybe a little) it's about my left hand.

It is my knuckle on my index finger. But what it does is limits the use of my left hand. I cannot so much as hold an empty coffee mug. I never realized how much I use my left hand. I could not even squeeze my tooth paste tube.

--The worse part is that I am going camping this Friday!

Happy 4th of July!!

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of
Happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness."

-- Now go pursue some Happiness!!

Fires, Stories and Ghosts...

I went camping this weekend with old friends. It's tradition that I spend an hour, around the fire, telling "Absolutely True Stories".

I love doing it.

The audience is getting older and more jaded. I will need new material for next year if I want to send those kids to bed crying.

There are classics I tell every year:

- The Shadow Man
- Room for One More
- The Hitchhikers Shoe
- The Golden Arm
- Silent Lightening (new for 08!)
- Lizzy Borden
- The Missing Boyfriend

I need new material. Email me damn you...

The Fat Lady sings a beautiful tune called Freedom...

It is an Individual Right. Confirmed.

In a dramatic moment on the last day of this term, the Supreme Court declared for the first time that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to self-defense and gun ownership.

For most of the last century, the interpretation of the Second Amendment has been that the right to bear arms is a collective right, such as with military service; Thursday's ruling says gun ownership is also an individual right.

The 5-4 ruling grows out of a Washington, D.C., case in which a security guard sued the district for prohibiting him from keeping his handgun at home. In the District of Columbia, it is a crime to carry an unregistered firearm, and the registration of handguns is prohibited. The rules are so strict, they essentially regulate handguns out of existence. The regulations were intended to curb gun violence in the capital city.

The ruling struck down the ban on constitutional grounds, saying it flew in the face of the constitutional right to bear arms.

--An Individual Right. It makes me feel like this!!!

Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.

RIP George Carlin

George Carlin, in his own words.

Always do whatever's next.
George Carlin

At a formal dinner party, the person nearest death should always be seated closest to the bathroom.
George Carlin

Atheism is a non-prophet organization.
George Carlin

By and large, language is a tool for concealing the truth.
George Carlin

Death is caused by swallowing small amounts of saliva over a long period of time.
George Carlin

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.
George Carlin

Dusting is a good example of the futility of trying to put things right. As soon as you dust, the fact of your next dusting has already been established.
George Carlin

Electricity is really just organized lightning.
George Carlin

Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.
George Carlin

Frisbeetarianism is the belief that when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and gets stuck.
George Carlin

Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?
George Carlin

"I am" is reportedly the shortest sentence in the English language. Could it be that "I do" is the longest sentence?
George Carlin

I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
George Carlin

I recently went to a new doctor and noticed he was located in something called the Professional Building. I felt better right away.
George Carlin

I think it would be interesting if old people got anti-Alzheimer's disease where they slowly began to recover other people's lost memories.
George Carlin

I think people should be allowed to do anything they want. We haven't tried that for a while. Maybe this time it'll work.
George Carlin

I was thinking about how people seem to read the Bible a whole lot more as they get older; then it dawned on me - they're cramming for their final exam.
George Carlin

I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, "Where's the self-help section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

I would never want to be a member of a group whose symbol was a guy nailed to two pieces of wood.
George Carlin

I'm always relieved when someone is delivering a eulogy and I realize I'm listening to it.
George Carlin

I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death.
George Carlin

I'm not concerned about all hell breaking loose, but that a PART of hell will break loose... it'll be much harder to detect.
George Carlin

If God had intended us not to masturbate he would've made our arms shorter.
George Carlin

If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little.
George Carlin

If we could just find out who's in charge, we could kill him.
George Carlin

If you can't beat them, arrange to have them beaten.
George Carlin

In comic strips, the person on the right always speaks first.
George Carlin

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist.
George Carlin

Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town.
George Carlin

May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house.
George Carlin

Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit.
George Carlin

Not only do I not know what's going on, I wouldn't know what to do about it if I did.
George Carlin

One can never know for sure what a deserted area looks like.
George Carlin

One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor.
George Carlin

People who say they don't care what people think are usually desperate to have people think they don't care what people think.
George Carlin

Religion is just mind control.
George Carlin

Some people see things that are and ask, Why? Some people dream of things that never were and ask, Why not? Some people have to go to work and don't have time for all that.
George Carlin

Standing ovations have become far too commonplace. What we need are ovations where the audience members all punch and kick one another.
George Carlin

The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live.
George Carlin

The other night I ate at a real nice family restaurant. Every table had an argument going.
George Carlin

The reason I talk to myself is that I'm the only one whose answers I accept.
George Carlin

The status quo sucks.
George Carlin

The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.
George Carlin

There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls.
George Carlin

There's no present. There's only the immediate future and the recent past.
George Carlin

Think off-center.
George Carlin

Weather forecast for tonight: dark.
George Carlin

Well, if crime fighters fight crime and fire fighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight? They never mention that part to us, do they?
George Carlin

What does it mean to pre-board? Do you get on before you get on?
George Carlin

When someone is impatient and says, "I haven't got all day," I always wonder, How can that be? How can you not have all day?
George Carlin

When Thomas Edison worked late into the night on the electric light, he had to do it by gas lamp or candle. I'm sure it made the work seem that much more urgent.
George Carlin

When you step on the brakes your life is in your foot's hands.
George Carlin

When you're born you get a ticket to the freak show. When you're born in America, you get a front row seat.
George Carlin

You know an odd feeling? Sitting on the toilet eating a chocolate candy bar.
George Carlin

You know the good part about all those executions in Texas? Fewer Texans.
George Carlin


Summer officially began today. It was the kids last of school! They had Excellent report cards! Summer began with lots of happy dancing.

We will be camping, going to the pool, watching movies, relaxing, grilling and enjoying life!

--What will we do next weekend?


There is a new Video Game coming out soon called Fallout 3.

This game is the first in years that has caught my attention. Now that we have all the great consoles in the house I may need to get if for myself!

I love the haunting art design.

Spoiled Rotten Yuppie Scum Whiner

Yep. That's me.

I just paid $5,500 dollars to get my AC unit replaced and now that we need it I am sitting here sweating my ass off.

It was installed 2 weeks ago and this weekend was the first time we needed it. Apparently they did a poor job connecting up the unit and it was leaking coolant.

So it was 98 degrees today and it will be another hot night sleeping.

--We may move to the basement tonight.


So I finally signed up for Facebook.

I actually did because my daughter wanted an account and I had to check it out first. Friend me if you use it dammit!

--So far I am underwhelmed.

Real ID Quietly Hits

So without much fanfare The Real ID Act of 2005 went into effect on May 11, 2008.

This new federal law is brought to you by our friends at DHS.

The Real ID Act implements the following:

- Establishing new national standards for state-issued driver licenses and non-driver identification cards
- Information and security features that must be incorporated into each card
- Proof of identity and U.S. citizenship or legal status of an applicant
- Verification of the source documents provided by an applicant
- Security standards for the offices that issue licenses and identification cards

Soon you will not be able to drive, fly, buy certain things or go certain places without it.

--Welcome to tomorrow

It's not as big as it once was...

So tonight I was backing up My Documents.

My file server is full.

I use to have automated jobs that would back up my other computers to the file server. not any more. Manual backups now only. I was just backing up photos only. I deleted all the crap I could and and it still might fail. Between music and photos 250gig is not what it use to be. I have to back up files from BRs PC too!

I am going to have to buy another drive. Dammit!

--Oh the Humanity!

Book Meme

Book Meme

Pick up the nearest book of 123 pages or more. No cheating!

  • Find page 123.
  • Find the first three sentences.

  • "Some muffled sounds came through the door. Then silence, and he was about to knock again wgen the man said, 'What the hell is this?"
    'Parcel for you,' he said."

    --Hit Man by Lawrence Block

    The Southwest Is Doomed

    I was watching Sunday Morning today and it had a story on global climate change. I have also been reading about it in other places too. I am not talking about "Global Warming". I believe that the Earth is in a natural warming phase right now.

    Changes in the jet stream have created an extreme change in the weather of the southwest USA.

    The Colorado river is drying up. It was once fed by snow melting in the Rockies. It's not snowing like it use to because of changes in the Jet Stream. The river no longer runs all the way to the ocean. Lake Meade is drying up. At present rate it will be dry in 2021. The hydro electric dams along the way will have no water to power them, including the Hoover dam. 21million people will have no water. The ground water is going fast. What is down there is often brine and not drinkable without desalination. Impossible without power too.

    Dust bowl days are ahead. Nevada, Arizonia, Texas, New Mexico, Oaklahoma, even parts of Kansas are at high risk.

    --Mad Max Days Ahead!

    This might be good...


    I saw TIME magazine this week and it actually pissed me off.

    The soldiers that died at Iwo Jima deserve more respect than this. This Pulitzer prize winning photo deserves more respect than this.
    I have actually stood at this monument and gotten misty eyed thinking about the sacrifices of my fathers generation.

    I bet half the pussies that created this cover drive Hummers.

    --Bite me, Time magazine
    "Dig the well before you are thirsty."

    --Viking Proverb

    RIP - Charlton Heston

    Film Legend Charlton Heston Dead at 84

    LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Charlton Heston, who won the 1959 best actor Oscar as the chariot-racing ''Ben-Hur'' and portrayed Moses, Michelangelo, El Cid and other heroic figures in movie epics of the '50s and '60s, has died. He was 84.

    The actor died Saturday night at his home in Beverly Hills with his wife Lydia at his side, family spokesman Bill Powers said.

    Chuck loved movies and guns. He was a "Gentlemen Shooter". My kinda of guy.

    --The damn dirty apes are prying the guns from his cold dead hands as we speak. RIP

    Portraits Before and After Death

    I believe that 95% of the internet is Shit. I have seen to much of it and have been disappointed so often that when I find part of that elusive 5% it can make me sigh.

    My wonderful wife sent me this link:

    Portraits Before and After Death

    Not many things are so haunting and beautiful that they can make her cry.

    "My good friend is a hospice nurse. She often says there is no difference between her work and the work of a labor and delivery nurse; one helps to birth babies and the other helps to birth souls - both of which require great courage. She likes to imagine that those souls are a messy, squirming, crying blob which are handed to their creator who knows and loves them.

    There is great and haunting beauty in these images, and death..."

    --I miss my parents... still.


    I am an addict to Craigslist, dammit.

    I check it for campers, taxidermy, toolboxes and other free stuff almost every day.

    Every major city has a craigslist page. Got to www.craigslist.org and find your closest page!

    --I just got a cool fox trophy!

    Battlestar Galatica Season 3

    I just got season 3 of BSG!

    By the Gods I love this show.

    The production quality, the acting, the plots, the action, the special effects are excellent.

    Watching this on the 120 inch screen is Glory and Goodness with a hint of Love!

    I was lucky enough to meet Ron Moore and talk with him a little.


    DC vs. Heller

    Dick Anthony Heller is a 66-year-old security guard who carries a handgun to protect the employees and property at the federal building where he works in Washington, D.C.

    Because Heller also is a resident of the District of Columbia, he is prohibited from having a handgun in his home for self-protection.

    Heller sued to overturn Washington's 1976 gun-control law that also requires all rifles or shotguns in D.C. homes to be disassembled or kept under trigger lock.

    Heller sued claiming that the D.C. law violated his Second Amendment rights.

    That amendment states: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

    To the surprise of many observers, Heller won his lawsuit before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit when that court struck down the district's gun law.

    Now it is up to the U.S. Supreme Court to decide whether Heller has a constitutional right to keep a handgun in his home, located only a mile away from the court.

    In essence, the D.C. law prevents citizens from using guns for self-defense. This is fine with many gun-control advocates.

    --Personally, I think Heller should be able to keep a handgun in his home for his protection.

    I LoveThis Robot

    Boston Dynamics keeps working on their BigDog quadruped robot, which will probably grow to be the future AT-AT of the Pentagon. Its evolution since the last time we saw it is nothing sort of mindblowing, and a bit spooky.

    Movie Night!!

    Don't gasp and fall over! Marty is having a Movie Night!!

    When: Friday, March 14th, 6pm
    What: No Country for Old Men
    Where: Marty's Movie McMansion Theater!
    Who: You and people like you!
    Why: Because the new home theater ROCKS!

    I just picked this movie up today. It won the Academy Award for Best Picture and I have NOT seen it yet!

    The bar opens at 5pm! Dinner at 6:30 or so! RSVP, Dammit so we can figure out what to cook or order! We might grill or order pizza!

    RSVP! Do it now!

    McCain is a Lock

    WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Ralph Nader is entering the presidential race as an independent, he announced Sunday, saying it is time for a "Jeffersonian revolution."


    Ralph Nader is running for president as an independent.

    Sen. Hillary Clinton told reporters, "I remember when he ran before. It didn't turn out very well for anybody -- especially our country."

    In other news:

    2008 Election Results Leaked

    -- I still think everyone qualified to actually run this country is too smart to go into politics...