
So last night we were talking about recipes. I set up a new category for people to be able to post their favorite weight loss recipes!

What are you Eating?

--Let the Googling begin!!


Sue said...

I would like to have the recipe to the salsa chicken soup that Brenda made -- yum!

Pern said...

You're going to hate me as I don't follow a recipe. So if it's good, I can only hope to approximate it the next time. But you can't go wrong with Chicken soup. So here goes...

Buy anywhere from 1 to 3 rotissary chickens.
Eat the best parts while it's still warm.
Give the next few bits to the cats.
Put the remains into a big pot. (I included the skin for seasoning)
Pour either water or chicken broth/vegetable broth to cover. (Last night's batch used organic Swanson's vegetable). Simmer for an hour or two until all the meat falls off the bones. Chill for several hours until the fat congeals. Remove fat, skin and any bones (being sure to leave a few small neck bones for the unwary). I saute'd a couple of fresh zucchini, added it to the broth/meat and threw in some frozen mixed vegetables. Add some coarse ground pepper and a jar or two of salsa. This varies, but my favorite is Giant's southwestern salsa - Medium. Check the refridgerator for any aging vegetable/pasta leftovers..I added some leftover jasmine fragrant rice. (leftover rice from last week's chinesee takeout works too...but we're on THE DIET so no more takeout!) Simmer, add more broth for desired consistency as the rice will soak it up. That's it! Easy Peasy.

Sue said...

Thanks Brenda for the great soup recipe. I have some left over chicken and will be making this.

I have a great snack to share: Blueberry smoothie

Put in a blender:
1 c. cold skim milk (90 cal.)
1 c. frozen blue berries without sugar (79 cal.)
With either:

1 T. agave nectar/syrup (has low gylcemic index number and tastes sweeter than sugar)
1 oz. pomegranate syrup (such as Torani the company that makes syrups for coffees and drinks) (90 cal.) – which is how I like to drink this

Mix on high for 1 minute. (if you want it thicker add ice)

Total calories 229 with agave syrup or 259 with pomegranate syrup

If you want a snack that will really hold you over for 3-4 hours drink the smoothie with a dose of good for you mono unsaturated fats by adding 1T shelled toasted sunflower seeds for an extra 65 cal.


Anne said...

my fav sandwich....

2 pieces of lightly toasted bread (i go for white wheat bread)
1 wedge of Laughing Cow light cheese spread onto bread
2 pieces of thinly sliced ham lunchmeat
1/4 - 1/2 half apple sliced

layer and enjoy

approx. calories:
bread = 100
laughing cow = 35
ham = 60
apple = 25
total = 220

Sue said...

Got watermelon - want a different kind of soup try this recipe:

Watermelon Gazpacho
With cucumber, jicama,sweet peppers and basil
Makes 4 - 1 cup servings

3-pound seedless watermelon, diced (about 5 cups), divided
¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
1 cucumber, seeded, diced (about 1 cup)
1 medium-size jicama, peeled, diced (about 1 cup)
1 medium-size yellow bell pepper, seeded, diced (about 1 cup)
1 small jalapeño chile, seeded, minced
3 pale green inner celery stalks, diced (about 1/2 cup)
½ small red onion, diced (about 1 cup)
¼ cup finely chopped fresh basil
¼ cup finely chopped parsley
2 teaspoons lime zest
3 tablespoons fresh lime juice
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
1/4 teaspoon salt or to taste

1/2 cup crème fraîche or sour cream
Basil for garnish

1. Puree 3 cups watermelon and olive oil in blender until smooth or desired consistency. Transfer puree to large bowl.
2. Add remaining 2 cups diced watermelon and next 12 ingredients; stir to combine. Cover gazpacho and refrigerate until cold, at least 1 hour and up to 4 hours.
3. Divide gazpacho among bowls; top with dollop of crème fraîche and a sprig of basil.

From 5 A DAY CSA:Growing Healthy Families

BTW - this is a way to support local farmers and buy organic at lower prices. This one is local to me but they have farmer coopts throughout the country check out to find community agriculture, food co-opts near you.