How many must die?

ABC News television anchor Peter Jennings said on Tuesday he has lung cancer. A life long smoker and he says he was "surprised" to find out he has lung cancer. Now he is going to do the radiation and the full treatment.

How the hell long will we allow this to continue? 440,000 people a year are dieing in the USA from smoking related disease. We pull TONS of meat off the market because a cow MIGHT have had Mad Cow. No one died or even got sick for Gods sake. Yet 1200 people die per day because of smoking. Every three days it's more dead than Sept 11th. It's like %1000 more than all the murders in the country combined.

--No one needs to watch a beloved parent drown in their own blood.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's very simple. Big Tobacco is a HUGE money making industry. The "war on cancer" is a HUGE money making machine. How many people are diagnosed with cancer each year? How many dollars does all those chemotherapy and radiation treatments generate? How many doctors/hospitals make their living off of cancer? You do the math.