Why do Democrats want the Draft?

I consider the draft issue one that I am VERY interested in watching. Having kids will do that. The big problem is who do you believe in the main stream media these days. I don't believe any of them anymore. I always look for myself. I am lucky enough to know where to look:

There were twin bills in Congress, Senate Bill 89 (SB 89) and House Resolution 163 (HR 163).


Looking first at Senate Bill 89, one can quickly and easily note that this bill was introduced on January 7, 2003 by Senator Fritz Hollings (D-South Carolina).

Now, looking at HR 163, please note the names on the bill introduced the same day that Senator Hollings introduced SB 89: Representatives Charles Rangel (D-New York), Jim McDermott (D-Washington), John Conyers (D-Michigan), John Lewis (D-Georgia), Pete Stark (D-California) and Neil Abercrombie (D-Hawaii).

As most of you know, I consider myself the realist guy. I like facts. Verifiable FACTS. One of the things that bugs me is the way the media slants everything the way they want. It's taken me years to figure out how to find out facts on my own.

--I still hate the media.

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