When will we learn?

Today the body of 13 year old Sarah Lunde was found in a pond 1/2 mile from her Florida home.

The most precious things in our life are our children. The people who prey on them should have no right to breathe our air. I am sick of this rehabilitation crap. The American prison system can't rehab a shoplifter much less a pathological pedophile sex offender. If you are convicted of a sex crime against a minor, YOU SHOULD BE DONE FOREVER, you get locked up for life or executed. Study after study has shown that pedophiles cannot stop. How many of these stories must we see. Even Michael Jackson couldn't stop when he knew the whole world had their eyes on him!

This is why we needed the sex offended registry. Now it is time to change the laws again. Life in prison for the first offense. No possibility of parole.

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