Man Spits On Jane Fonda

Veteran Has No Regrets For Spitting On Jane Fonda

A man who had waited in line at a book-signing in Kansas City for Academy Award-winning actress Jane Fonda spit tobacco juice in her face Tuesday night.

The suspect, Vietnam veteran Michael A. Smith, 54, Smith said that his actions were planned and he has no regrets. He said he's a Vietnam veteran still angry at Fonda for her trip to Hanoi in 1972.

His justification for spitting? "She's a traitor, and she cost the lives of a lot of good men," Smith, who was 19 when he was sent to fight in Vietnam, told KMBC-TV in Kansas City. "She didn't do anything to the government -- she slapped us in the face."

--This is wrong. It's like the pie throwing stupidity.

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