Weekly Weigh-In: Week 4

OK People, it's time to post the news, Good or bad! I ate out several times this week and managed to still make good choices. God I love Pho!

Here are my numbers:
  • Starting Weight: 270.0
  • Today's Weight: 254.7
  • Loss This Week: 2.1 lbs
  • Total Loss: 15.3 lbs
--This week Brenda and I both did well. We actually started using our exercise machines!

Good Week -

I had such a good week I'm posting first thing!! Whoo Hoo!! Down 4 for a total of 8. This makes up for last week. Only two more for next week and I make my goal of 10 for the month.

Weekly Weigh-In: Week 3

OK People, it's time to post the news, Good or bad!

Here are my numbers:
  • Starting Weight: 270.0
  • Today's Weight: 256.8
  • Loss This Week: 2 lbs
  • Total Loss: 13.2 lbs
--Here is hoping we all had a good week!

Motivation-Putting your money where your mouth is

Hey all, It's been pretty quiet on the blog. We need to keep the encouragement going and posting the news. The weekly weigh-ins are a way to keep you on track. I know. If I didn't know I'm going to face the scale every Monday, I'm going to be way more likely to stop at Dairy Queen on the way home from work.

So, C'mon everyone. Post. Post what was difficult for you this week. What worked well. AND Post the Weekly Weigh-in. We are all in this together.

You can even say...I'm not getting on the scale this week, It's been a rough week, but I promise I'll do it next week. Keep at it.

If you just here for the company or you're in for the contest, We want to hear from you.

...Oh, and those of you in the contest. I need your Money!!! Post dated checks are fine too.

Weekly Weigh-In: Week 2

OK People, it's time to post the news, Good or bad!

Here are my numbers:
  • Starting Weight: 270.0
  • Today's Weight: 258.8
  • Loss This Week: 4.2 lbs
  • Total Loss: 11.2 lbs
--Another good week for me. Knowing I have to post this weekly really helps!

A Good Weekend

It was another perfect example why I like weighing in on Mondays.

Brenda was making soups and stews to feed us lunches for the week.

Because I knew I was going to weigh in tomorrow I did not over eat today. I am so much more likely to over eat if I am at home.

--12 hours until scale time!!

Fairfax Police to crack down on distracted driving

CHANTILLY, Va. - Distracted driving in Fairfax County has caught the police's attention.

Fairfax County Police have launched a new distracted driving campaign, aimed at keeping drivers focused when they are behind the wheel.

"Talking on the cell phone, eating, personal grooming, because (drivers) are doing those types of activities, their driving is not where it should be," says Fairfax County Police Captain Susan Culin.

Officers will be posted along high-volume roads and intersections where there have been a high number of crashes, including the Route 28 corridor and the Tysons Corner area.

Culin says the officers will be in "unorthodox" locations to monitor drivers, and they will be charging people who are driving erratically due to distracted driving.

"Swerving in their lane, stopping inappropriately, braking inappropriately, not going on a green light right away," says Culin.

In addition to enforcement, Fairfax Police have a survey on their website that will allow police to gather attitudes and behaviors that cause distracted driving.

The campaign will run until June 2011.

--I'm cool. I only Facebook while driving. They didn't mention that.

Google Maps Oddities

While you are out there wasting time on the Interwebs, take a couple minutes and check out the strange stuff that has been captured and is available on Google Earth and Google Maps.

--Fun Stuff!


No change in my weight still 320lb. Well OK it went up. Damn it.

In Theaters Now: Machete

I loved the Grindhouse Movies from Quinton Tarentino. They came with fake previews, parodies really, of the classic grindhouse genre.

I actually got to meet Danny Trejo last year at the Horrorfind convention. Got an autographed photo!

From the Kansas State Collegian:

This weekend “Machete,” Robert Rodriguez’s story that follows a man named Machete (Danny Trejo) as he slices and dices his way through drug cartels and corrupt politicians.

Do not see this movie if you do not like violence or nudity, as the entire film is filled with both. I simply lost track of how many graphic decapitations were in the movie or how many women got naked. This is not a film for everyone.

--It's good to be an American!

7 pounds. Sounds good. I'm down 4. Started at 221, down to 217. 37 to go.

7 pounds. I'm down 4. 37 to go.


Weekly Weigh-In!!

OK People, it's time to post the news, Good or bad!

We will do this every Monday from now on. Mondays to ensure we are on plan during the weekends!!

Here are my numbers:
  • Starting Weight: 270.0
  • Today's Weight: 262.9
  • Loss This Week: 7.1
  • Total Loss: 7.1
This week I ate every meal saying, "I am stopping now even though I could eat ALL the bacon!" I also got several chances to wear my new hiking boots! Drank water daily. Started taking the stairs at least once a day at work.

--Time to Fight some Gravity!!

Posting at High Speed

So technology is getting better and better.

Right now I am posting at 70mph, in my van, cruising through the mountains of Pennsylvania, on my long battery life, solid state laptop, via the 3G high speed network. (Oh, and Brenda's driving)

And all this was easy.

Just hook my Blackberry and press a button and I am off!

--Now if there was just some content worth reading...

This weeks weighin will be delayed

Labor Day weekend holiday finds me far from my scale.

I will be doing my official weighin on Tuesday this week.

--Get ready folks!

Writer Neal Stephenson Unveils His Digital Novel The Mongoliad

Author Neal Stephenson has been credited for inspiring today’s virtual world startups with his novel Snow Crash. Now he’s launching a startup himself: Subutai, where he is co-founder and chairman.

They are developing their first project, The Mongoliad.

The Mongoliad is a new kind of serialized novel, created by Neal Stephenson, and written by Neal, Greg Bear, Nicole Galland, Mark Teppo, and a number of other great authors. It will be told on the web and via custom apps on iPad, iPhone, Kindle, and Android, and will be something of an experiment in post-book publishing and storytelling.

--If this goes well, it could be a great new entertainment form...

Why you don't have to give up chocolate to lose weight

For years, the myth has been spread that chocolate is a diet buster and absolutely has to be removed from your diet to lose weight. Whether you’re a chocoholic or just indulge from time to time, you should know that today’s research into chocolate is now connecting its consumption to lower weight. While moderation is still key, eating dark chocolate on a daily basis is more likely to result in weight loss than weight gain.

--I don't eat it myself.