Fairfax Police to crack down on distracted driving

CHANTILLY, Va. - Distracted driving in Fairfax County has caught the police's attention.

Fairfax County Police have launched a new distracted driving campaign, aimed at keeping drivers focused when they are behind the wheel.

"Talking on the cell phone, eating, personal grooming, because (drivers) are doing those types of activities, their driving is not where it should be," says Fairfax County Police Captain Susan Culin.

Officers will be posted along high-volume roads and intersections where there have been a high number of crashes, including the Route 28 corridor and the Tysons Corner area.

Culin says the officers will be in "unorthodox" locations to monitor drivers, and they will be charging people who are driving erratically due to distracted driving.

"Swerving in their lane, stopping inappropriately, braking inappropriately, not going on a green light right away," says Culin.

In addition to enforcement, Fairfax Police have a survey on their website that will allow police to gather attitudes and behaviors that cause distracted driving.

The campaign will run until June 2011.

--I'm cool. I only Facebook while driving. They didn't mention that.

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