Motivation-Putting your money where your mouth is

Hey all, It's been pretty quiet on the blog. We need to keep the encouragement going and posting the news. The weekly weigh-ins are a way to keep you on track. I know. If I didn't know I'm going to face the scale every Monday, I'm going to be way more likely to stop at Dairy Queen on the way home from work.

So, C'mon everyone. Post. Post what was difficult for you this week. What worked well. AND Post the Weekly Weigh-in. We are all in this together.

You can even say...I'm not getting on the scale this week, It's been a rough week, but I promise I'll do it next week. Keep at it.

If you just here for the company or you're in for the contest, We want to hear from you.

...Oh, and those of you in the contest. I need your Money!!! Post dated checks are fine too.

1 comment:

Marty said...

Well I have to say that sticking to the plan is so much more difficult on the weekends I can't believe it.

The damn fridge is haunted.

It constantly, quietly, whispering my name...
