
No change in my weight still 320lb. Well OK it went up. Damn it.


Sue said...

Tony: first of all remember this is just the first week and there are still 50 more until Pennsic next year. Speaking as someone who also did not have a pound lost this week take some time to say to yourself "okay it was not a good week -- so what", then give yourself a good 10 minutes to sulk and wallow in it all (set a timer I am serious) and then stop. You will start a new week and tell yourself that things will be better this week. Think back through the past week in a non-judgemental way as to what happened. Did you eat out alot -- no depreciating comments about yourself for eating out just the fact. What did you eat. What was the portion size. Are you familiar with what the correct portion size should look like? Have you checked into the average calorie cost for the things you routinely eat? Do you know how many calories a day based on your age, sex, bone structure and activity level that you need to lose a pound a week? Did you exercise any? What did you do right? What are you proud of that you did last week and so will continue to do? Answering these questions and reviewing your week will give you tools for better future weeks.

Maybe you tried to do too many things at once? Maybe focusing on one change in diet and one change in exercise habits will be the best thing for next week. For example: I will cut down (or cut out) regular sodas or my ice coffee whipped cream 4 oclock pick me up. Maybe you can say to yourself I will walk 10 min. a day every day. Just 10 minutes. Plan the timing of this goal as specifically as possible so you are likely to succeed at it. Visualize yourself succeeding at these goals.

Then just start a new week without the baggage from last week a little wiser and with hope and the tools to make this next week better.

Take care

Pern said...

Sue's right. Don't give up....make a plan.