Weekly Weigh-In!!

OK People, it's time to post the news, Good or bad!

We will do this every Monday from now on. Mondays to ensure we are on plan during the weekends!!

Here are my numbers:
  • Starting Weight: 270.0
  • Today's Weight: 262.9
  • Loss This Week: 7.1
  • Total Loss: 7.1
This week I ate every meal saying, "I am stopping now even though I could eat ALL the bacon!" I also got several chances to wear my new hiking boots! Drank water daily. Started taking the stairs at least once a day at work.

--Time to Fight some Gravity!!


Pern said...

I've seen this before folks. The man can lose weight-even while eating bacon. (sigh)

Anyways, I did well too. Down 3.4 pounds. I would like to lose an additional 6.6 by the end of the month for my first stage goal for a total of 10. I need to step up on the exercise. No more excuses on why I can't get some in each evening.

Anne said...

You all did better than me, but I did ok...down 3 pounds. Brenda, you and I have similar stage 1 goals.

Next exercise goal for me is the Heritage 5K, where I am planning on simply doing better than I did at the last 5K.


Marty said...

I am 10% to my goal!!

Sue said...

First of all congrats to Marty, Brenda and Ann -- woo hoo. Great start!

My wight stat: I stayed even (no plus or minus) but it is ok. It is a long haul and I am trying to set up healthy habits for life and did not want to take on everything at once and then get discouraged or burned out.

This first month I am only working on figuring out the eating plan not only for me but for a family including kids that they will actually eat and that is healthy. This plan must include desserts (but we have to be more creative) since the kids might not eat their dinner without a dessert reward at the end. It must also include less white stuff (less sugar, no chemical sugar substititues, less white flour) less processed foods, no high fructose corn syrup, more whole grains and different types of grains, more colored fruits and veges and orgnaic for the dirty dozen, no margarine, fish at least once per week, at least one other meatless (but still have protein) dinner night. Shopping is taking longer right now while I identify brands that meet my criteria (and stores that carry those brands for a better price) and locations to get organic fruits (at least the dirty dozen), veges, milk, beef (or buffalo), chicken, pork, fish (that is low mercury and does not taste too fishy) and eggs. This has meant shopping at multiple places for the right stuff at the right price (thank goodness for Trader Joe's) and food co-opts.

I am also working on recognizing and cooking (and boxing up left overs) in normal portion sizes as well as retraining some of my cooking habits (yes it can taste good even with less fat, cream and cheese). This means I have had to research recipes and plan menus (instead of winging it based on what is in the cupboard). I am also trying to swap out snacks for kids and me, juggling eating out some and what/when to have treats.

Lastly I have been working on the psychological factors of weight loss and weight maintenace. This is the last time I want to have to loose this much weight ever again. So it means looking for and clearing out old baggage. Getting motivated and getting the kids involved and motivated as well. It is all a little harder when you need to figure in a family's diet and exercise and schedules.

Next month I will start the exercise plan (a combination of walking and strength training and qi gong/tai chi) and then I expect to see real and steady results.

Lots of stuff to work on but once this initial start up investment in time is over it will not be so much a sinkhole of time and it will start moving into the realm of good habits.

Pern said...

Way to go Sue!!! Let us know your "Eurekas" and best finds!!

Pern said...

Schwartz is posting 3 pounds, but he's shy.