Weekly Weigh-In: Week 3

OK People, it's time to post the news, Good or bad!

Here are my numbers:
  • Starting Weight: 270.0
  • Today's Weight: 256.8
  • Loss This Week: 2 lbs
  • Total Loss: 13.2 lbs
--Here is hoping we all had a good week!


Pern said...

Despite stepping on and off the scale about 17 times, moving it from one end of the bathroom to the other, with and without underwear....I'm up .1 from last week so a total loss of 4.

I failed to get in the exercise I was planning on and had several social events, but hey...it could have been worse.

I am now going out to buy triple A batteries for the scale to see if that will help.....(sigh)

Pern said...

Jeff has reported a loss from last week - now back to 217. His goal is a pound a week.


Sue said...

Yeah Jeff & Marty.

I'm there with you Brenda +1 this week for me [sigh]

Marty said...

Don't forget the total change. We are going to hit the first month. Trends are important!