Sin City

This is a simple description of this movie.

Sin City
is a violent city where the police department is as corrupt as the streets are deadly. In this movie, we follow three stories, the central of which is Marv, a tough-as-nails and nearly impossible to kill street fighter who goes on a rampage of vengeance when a beautiful woman, Goldie, he sleeps with for only one night is killed while lying in bed with him. Rated:R for sustained strong stylized violence, nudity and sexual content including dialogue.

I loved this movie. But it is totally whacked. I will not recommend it to anyone unless I know them. Because if the wrong person sees it, they will never speak to me again.

--"Is that the best you can do you pansies?"

1 comment:

muse said...

That's actually a perfect review! I've been trying to explain the movie to people, but you nailed it! It's definitely not for everyone, but those who will love it will _love_ it! :)